Tuesday, July 19, 2005


President Bush will announce his decision for the Supreme Court nominee tonight at 9pm EDT.

Slate has a short list of the backgrounds of some of the potential nominees, as does a special report in the NY Times online, and really, none of them look very promising.
Ok, that's a bit of an understatement.
All of them look pretty dooming for the future of women's choice, not to mention the other innumerable basic civil rights that Americans now enjoy.

The rumor is around Edith Brown Clement, who the AP seems to think would be the best choice for us pro-choicers.
Um, yeah. Sorry, guys. Not really.
NARAL's Nancy Keenan has this to say about Judge Clement:
"Edith Brown Clement is a worrisome choice for the United States Supreme Court. Judge Clement, appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit by President Bush in 2001, has not directly dealt with the right to choose while on the bench or in private practice. However, she has been an active member of the Federalist Society for Law and Policy Studies, a conservative organization with many prominent anti-choice leaders and members."

I can't decide whether this is good or not, but the dying Chief Justice William Rehnquist announced some days ago that he intends to stay on the bench as long as his health permits. It seems that Rehny and I have differing views on what his health actually does permit, since he looks like he's about to keel over any minute now. I don't know that Bush can really nominate anyone worse than Rehnquist and get them through Congress, but I also don't know that I want to see him try. Yeah, Rehnquist is a bit of a wingnut and as antichoice as most people Bush could nominate, but somehow, I think he has at least some kind of dignity and human respect left in him, something I don't know I'd be able to say for whoever Bush might end up forcing through in his place.

Needless to say
I'm rather frightened about what name will spew forth from Bushie's tiny, funny-looking mouth tonight.


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