Saturday, November 05, 2005

back-blogging #3

And, finally, stuff on Samuel Alito, Bush's newest nominee to the Supreme Court.

Fittingly, on Halloween (October 31st), Bushie nominated a rich, uber-conservative white guy to replace the moderate Sandra Day O'Connor.

Almost immediately, left-wing groups and pro-choicers were speaking out against this man. Different from Roberts, and even Miers, where we waited to see if maybe, just maybe, they weren't as bad as we feared, this backlash was pretty much right off the bat.
Perhaps it has something to do with Alito's nickname, given because of his ideological similarities to our favourite Justice, Antonin Scalia (aka Wingnut Numero Uno of the Supremes):

First, Democratic leaders in the Senate denounced him, from Senator Patrick Leahy from Vermont (who cast a "yes" vote on Roberts, the douchebag) to Senator Ted Kennedy from Massachusetts to, of course, my fantabulous Senators from NY - Clinton and Schumer.

Then, NARAL Pro-Choice America announced its opposition to Alito's nomination.
As did Feminist Majority, NOW, PFAW (People for the American Way), Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and, among others.

Needless to say, this guy isn't exactly well-liked.

The Washington Post put out an article explaining why Alito would likely vote against Roe.


In other news, Bushie's approval rating dropped wayyyy low this week. Nothing like pandering to the small wingnut portion of your base and angering the rest of the country to make your approval ratings soar.


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