Wednesday, November 16, 2005

carnival of feminists, part trois

Directing you all over to the 3rd installment of the Carnival of Feminists, hosted by Sour Duck.

The Carnival Of Feminists is "held on the first and third Wednesday of each month. Hosted by a different blogger for each edition, it aims to showcase the finest feminist posts from around the blogsphere."
Basically, it's a high-profile link dump, where feminist bloggers get to pimp themselves out (in a non-objectifying way).

Each host gets to define their own terms of feminist and their own concentration for their carnival.
This one is "1970s until now" - how 1970s feminism still plays out today, how it's changed, etc. Sour Duck also included other feminist blog posts that didn't cleanly fall under the 1970s/2000s rubric, so it's got a nice balance of just about everything you could ask for.

Definitely worth a look.
Go. Now.


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