Monday, August 01, 2005

Why I Love Hillary Rodham Clinton

She, along with Senators Barbara Boxer (CA), Barbara Mikulski (MD), Patty Murray (WA), Mary Landrieu (LA), Debbie Stabenow (MI), and Maria Cantwell (WA) have vowed that they will actually lay the smack down about abortion during the Roberts confirmation hearing. They'll actually ask the tough questions, and they'll make sure this guy discloses his views on abortion and Roe. Hooray for Senators with balls!

The Fabulous Seven have also set up a website where you, the voting public, can submit questions you'd like Roberts to be asked during the hearing.

Amazing, isn't it, when Senators actually care about the input of their constituents...

Oh yeah, and Hillary's a women's college grad (Wellesley), which makes her all the more fabulous in my book. As is Senator Mikulski (Mt St Agnes of MD, now coed and merged w/ Loyola).


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